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Who Am I? 

When deciding to seek care for profoundly personal and disturbing issues that can prevent us from living the kind of life we want, we wonder about the therapist we consider working with. Who are they? What are they about? Why do they do what they do? How do they do what they do? Are they a good person? Will they understand? Will they judge me? These and dozens of other questions are typically fueled by an unspoken anxiety which can be associated with reaching out to a therapist for assistance with a problem or issue. In asking all of these questions, the unconscious question that we are really asking is, "can this person really help me?"

In this section, I will try to tell you about various aspects of me, including my educational and professional background, but of course, this does not tell the whole story of who I am; still, it is a good point of departure. I also refrain from telling people a great deal about me personally, as revealing too much about myself can spoil your ability to "project" or experience a transference- key elements of psychoanalytic treatment (we can talk about what this means when we meet). 


Like you, I'm a person- a mortal who faces the same challenges associated with everyday life that every other human being faces. As a psychologist, I am not immune to the human condition; rather, I am very much a part of it. Like many of the patients I work with, I have faced personal challenges and will continue to face them today, tomorrow, and, most likely, in the future; however, I do not succumb to them. Instead, I can address them as they arise so that the challenges that I face today and tomorrow will result in personal growth, enhancing my adaptive capabilities to meet future challenges. 


I have spent a considerable amount of time learning to be a psychotherapist. I combine this knowledge with my background as a registered nurse and nurse practitioner with the ultimate goal of providing a holistic experience for those with whom I work. I view this as an essential way to approach patient issues because very few problems/challenges in life are simple (if they were, you probably wouldn't be visiting my site right now). Most of life's problems require a multifaceted approach to achieve a successful outcome. You can be assured that throughout the course of our work together, we will discuss such topics as sleep hygiene, diet, stress reduction techniques, mindfulness, physical exercise, recreation, and a variety of other interventions, as appropriate. 


Using the remainder of this page, I will tell you more about my education, credentials, professional affiliations, and other information that you could easily learn by searching the internet (let's face it, it's all out there). The information provided here is both past and present-oriented. But, like you, the future is up to me and what I choose to do with it! 




  • Touro College, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Health Sciences Research

  • California Southern University, Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.), Clinical Psychology  

  • State University of New York at Binghamton, Master of Science (MS), Gerontological Nursing, Gerontological Nurse Practitioner

  • State University of New York at Binghamton, Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS), Family Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner 

  • Kaplan University [Purdue University Global], Master of Science (MSc) in General and Addictions Psychology

  • Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Certificate Program [Candidate]

  • Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies, Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS), Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

  • Master Psychopharmacologist Certificate (with Distinction), Neuroscience Education Institute

  • Eastern Washington University, Therapeutic Recreation Certificate Program

  • Wilkes University, Bachelor of Science

  • Primary Certificate Practicum in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy/ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Albert Ellis Institute

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Medical University of South Carolina, in conjunction with the National Crime Victims Research & Treatment Center

  • Welcoming & Affirming Practice: L.G.B.T.Q.I. & Cultural Competency, Drexel University

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing- Level I & Level II, EMDR Institute Inc. 

  • Trauma-Informed Care Certificate Program, Drexel University




  • Licensure: Psychologist- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, License # PS019448

  • Licensure: Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner- Psychiatric/Mental Health (PMHNP), Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, License # SP013800

  • Licensure: Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner- Gerontology (GNP), Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, License # SP006515-H

  • Licensure: Professional Counselor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: License #: PC012984

  • Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (Across the lifespan), Board Certified (PMHNP-BC), American Nurses Credentialing Center

  • Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified (GNP-BC), American Nurses Credentialing Center

  • Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS), Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists

  • Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CAADC), Pennsylvania Certification Board, Credential #: 9582

  • Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS), Pennsylvania Certification Board, Credential #: 9582

  • Master Addictions Counselor (MAC), National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCC AP)

  • Certification in Forensic Traumatology (CFT), American Association of Experts in Traumatic Stress/ National Center for Crisis Management

  • Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS), National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification

  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional: Level I (CCTP) and level II (CCPT-II), International Association of Trauma Professionals




  • American Psychological Association (APA)

  • American Counseling Association (ACA)

  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)

  • National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP)

  • National Association for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

  • Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology​



The various nature photographs found on my website are not "stock" images- these are photographs I have taken during my various forest explorations throughout Pennsylvania and upstate New York. Hiking is a healthy, fun, and restful diversion. The documented benefits of physical exercise can be found in many medical journals (and as such, we will discuss this as part of your treatment). Physical health benefits aside, it is nice to get away from the mundane issues of everyday life and enjoy nature. Whether it's to a forest, a city park, or your own backyard- escapes to nature can be quite peaceful. As Sigmund Freud himself once said: “Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts." 

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